Join us this Sunday! Worship at 8:30 & 11:00am Plan your visit

Women's Ministry Events

Crafts, Cookies, and The Call

Ladies, join us for a night filled with crafts, cookies, and ministry opportunity for The Call.

Friday, April 4th, 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

The Call has asked if our women would be interested in making baskets that will go directly towards the biological parents. Items for the baskets are listed below. Please bring as many items as you feel led to bring.

Admission for event is item(s) from the list below:

  • Games/Activities "connection" based
  • Devotionals for Parents (or whole family)
  • Craft (something memorable that parents can take with them)
  • Self care types of items (fuzzy blanket, planner/pens, chapstick, little hand sanitizers, non scented lotion
  • Things that make life easier (paper plates, napkins, etc.)
  • Journal
  • Gift Cards (chick-fil-a, pizza, sonic, etc.)
  • Crockpots
  • Note cards (parents to write notes to kids)
  • Donation (to purchase items needed above)

For more information, contact the church office at 501-329-0001

Register below! Registration not required, but appreciated to help with supply count.
